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ABOUT PUBG&upcoming updates

  PUBG(player unknown battleground),this is the most downloaded game of the year.Brendon greene is a wild life photographer before he started to design the games.he designed the game PUBG.he was born in Ballyshannon,Republic of ireland.
  He finished his studies in ireland after getting married he moved to brazil where he got a job on wildlife photography.He is  a movie addict and also interested in playing games even after her marriage.After he got divorced he moved back to ireland and he started to design small games which got success and sony offered a job for him.later he dropped sony and joined southkorean company, chang-han kim who gave a oppurtunity where he designed a game so called PUBG with the hard work of one year.PUBG was published by a south korean company ,producer chang-han kim.


  They are going to introduce a newmap named sanhok,other than two maps Erangel and Miramar.

 Sanhok location is based on south east asia.they made live view of the place into the game.

  Erangel and Miramar are both 8×8 squarekm space,but sanhok is 4×4 square km space.Due to the compact space the battle would be more intense and your are more exposed to enemy.

  When you jump from the plane you can see the safe zone,so that you can strategies your game.

 The weather conditions are sunny,rainy and foggy.There will be lot of weapons.New weapons are going to be launched.

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