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Prevent hairfall

Do you have hairfall, dont worry I am here to  help you do the  following tips listed below 1. Wash your hair with shampoo twice a            week not more than that. 2. Check your shampoo ingredients,which        should not contain more chemicals                especially(sulphates). 3. Eat foods which contain vitamin                        (A,C,D,E),iron,zinc,protein which                    promotes hair growth 4. Exercise daily 10-15minutes which                   increases blood circulation more. 5. Dont wash your hair with hot water,use        normal water to wash your hair. 6. Don't let your hair dry,try to use oil on          scalp regularly or 4times/week. ...

Qualities of entrepreneur

Who is entrepreneur????          E ntrepreneur's are the bridge between invention and commercialization.Invention without entrepreneurship stays in the university lab or the R&D facility.          Entrepreneur's are the one who creates a job and they are not job seekers. Qualities of entrepreneur 1)  Entrepreneur are the one who can able to convert the ideas into an offer.      Do you get it????      Yes one who can convert the product into money is called entrepreneur,not everyone can do, they are  willing to take risk. 2)  Entrepreneur are the one who seize the opportunity while others will see as a burden.       Opportunity will come and go no one can predict .Entrepreneur's will utilize the opportunity everthing they got. 3)  Entrepreneur's are the one who has full of positive attitude.       If one has positive a...

Cause and prevention for dandruff

What is dandruff?  Malassezia globosa also called pityrosporum,it is a fungi present on the scalp.which feeds on sebum(natural oil) present on the scalp and releases acid.a sensitive skin person gets inflammated and sheds skincells which gather together to form dandruff.           Dandruff is irritating are the remedies. Remedies     1) selenium - use selenium ingredients shampoo's to wash your hair.selenium slows the death of skincells.but use it twice a week because selenium sulphide can cause hairfall using twice in a week is a safer zone.    2) Garlic - applying garlic on scalp helps in reducing the dandruff.because garlic has the antifungal property.    3) Aloe vera - applying aloe vera on scalp reduces dandruff.aloe vera has the antifungal property and also it moisture the scalp and makes the hair smooth and prevents from drying.     Both garlic and aloevera are applied on scalp through va...