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Ethical hacking

Hacking-Hacking refers to the unauthorized access to the computer or network.The person who is doing hacking is called hacker.
     Hacker is one who search for weakness in system or network to gather the information with or without owner's knowledge.

Who is the first hacker?
Kevin david mitnik  is the first one who hacked the computer.He was born in 6Aug 1963, he is a consultant, author and hacker.He was arrested for five years for hacking crime.
     The first Indian hacker was Ankit fadia
Born in 24may 1985.he is an Indian author, speaker, television host and also a hacker.

Does hacker requires programming?

  Hacking does not requires programming knowledge but having a programming knowledge will become more useful and you want to expert in hacking definitely you should have some programming knowledge.

    The programming languages for hacking
    1) c
    2) c++
    3) java
    4) python
  These programming languages to be know by the hacker.Among the 4 programming language python is very important for the hacking.

Types of hackers.

   There three types of hacker
    1) Black hat hacker
    2) white hat hacker
    3) Grey hat hacker

1) Black hat hackers.

    These hackers will access our computer without authorised .these hackers are anonymous.these hackers are dangerous they steal the information for their own motive or else for others(they will misuse the information). These hackers will steal the data without the owner's knowleadge.

2) White hat hackers.

     These hackers will access the data of the system with the permission of the owner.Some company will allow these hackers to hack the system too verify and patch up the loop holes present in it.the work of the hackers is getting the data through loop hole with the permission of the owner for some security tighting by knowing the loop holes by the hackers.once the loop hole is found the company will work to sort the problem.

3) Grey hat hackers.

     These are at the centre of the other two type of hackers.These hackers will access the system without authorized(stealing the info) and also they wont misuse with the information.In simple these hackers wont ask the permission to the owner for hacking and also they wont misuse with the stealed information.

Ethical hacking.
   These kind of hacking is similar to white hat hacking .they access the information through  the loop holes having the permission of the owner.This type of hacking is legal so they are called ethical hacking.

   One of the best way to prevent security threats is to learn hacking.Hacking has a lot of scope in future.Due to technology development, even a kid will access the data without authorized by learning some tricks on hacking through the in upcoming years the need of hackers will increase to helps in security of the company to prevent from the security treats.

Does everyone can learn hacking.
   Yes those who are interested in hacking they can learn by joining the ethical hacking institute.
  On my way of thinking spending money to learn hacking for the institution the institution will give you the knowledge about hacking they won't develop a hacker.
  Instead of that learn hacking on your own and practice it through internet.
  Also get certified by EC-COUNCIL the link is-EC-COUNCIL.

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